We are shaping the future of luxury retail, both in our global boutiques and digitally. Our commercial teams are passionate about attracting, connecting with and delighting clients, interacting with them in a unique, personalized way designed to build a strong and lasting relationship. Discover luxury brand jobs in our commercial teams.



Boutique Manager, China

Shane joined Cartier through a talent program in 2011. He started as a Sales Associate for the Maison in the Shanghai Hong Kong Plaza boutique. He has evolved in different positions and is now a Boutique Manager.

The heart of Retail is the people; the most interesting part
is building strong relationships of trust between us and our clients.


What does a day in your life at Cartier look like?

Every day is a new challenge. Clear objectives for sales, service, operations, CRM and team management are set for each day and are regularly updated to reflect progress. As a Boutique Manager, I ensure that my team has fully understood our daily targets for each KPI. I work with my team in the boutique, overcoming any internal or external difficulties with them to achieve the daily objectives.

My challenge is not only to achieve the set objectives but above all to support my team, ensure their cohesion and respond to their demands to make them stronger in the long run.

How do you work together with your team in the boutique?

In the boutique, I manage a team of more than thirty people with different positions and, therefore, very varied tasks. Good communication between all is essential to maintain a good balance and move forward together. We also define the responsibilities of each employee and we make adjustments according to the evolution of the Maison's strategy and the market.

How do you think Retail has evolved in the luxury industry?

The world is changing, and China, which has been growing rapidly, is partly driving this change. Our client's expectations and demands are evolving as quickly as our world does. Our role is therefore essential as we are the direct link between them and the Maison. We have to keep listening and paying attention, but above all, we have to keep our skills at their highest level.